Based in West Wales, Seedpod is a new educational training initiative, which puts creativity at the centre of learning, building confidence in teachers and support staff to provide authentic experiences through the arts as a part of a rich, blended approach to teaching that enables learners to develop their thinking and build meaningful connections across the areas of learning and experience.
Pip Lewis and Kate Rastall have combined their skills and experience in the visual arts and education to provide training in creativity, the expressive arts and well being in education. Working together as Seedpod, they offer a range of experiential workshops for staff in schools and nurseries, which engage directly with the creative process and use arts based activities to explore ways of using the expressive arts as a means of supporting learners to realise the four purposes.
To book a workshop or discuss your training requirements contact:
Current workshops

Making Mistakes / Taking Risks
Thinking and doing things differently, through a series of drawing activities.
Participants will be led through a series of drawing activities to encourage risk taking and allowing mistakes to deepen learning and take learners in new directions.
Participants will explore the value of risk taking as part of creative learning.
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Expanding Horizons
Exploring complex issues through simple printmaking.
Participants will explore climate change through the art of the Inuit, both traditional and contemporary. They will learn about the use of printmaking by today’s Inuit to express their values and traditions and apply simple printmaking techniques to explore current issues.
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Sharing Space
Collaborative learning through the medium of collage and assemblage.
Using paper and found materials, participants will work collaboratively on collage and assemblage. Focusing on the creative process, rather than the final product, participants will experience the role of a collaborative approach to the expressive arts as a tool for valuing the different contributions of and strengthening connections between members of a group.
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Spiraling through time
Using clay to experience what matters in the creative process.
Through a series of modelling activities with clay, participants will experience the spiral nature of the creative processes. Focusing on exploring, responding and creating as expressed in the What Matters statements, participants will explore how these support and complement each other to contribute to realising the four purposes.
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